deKay's Lofi Gaming

Mutant Mudds (3DS)

I’ve been looking forward to this for a while now, and leapt on it the very second it was available to download. I wasn’t disappointed – it’s excellent! Of course, if you don’t like difficult, old fashioned platform games, you won’t like it. But I do. Oh is it hard though! I’ve cleared the 16 available levels, but since I haven’t collected every diamond I’m not able to progress any further yet. 16 levels may not seem like a lot, …

Xeodrifter (PS4): COMPLETED!

You can clearly see Mutant Mudds’ DNA in Xeodrifter. Similar chunky pixel graphics, the same feel in terms of physics, plane shifting, 8-bit music and similar looking baddies. But it’s not a sequel, ditching fantasy mud monsters and platforming for Metroid inspired planet exploration with Metroidvania style progression through ability unlocks. As you flit to and from four different planets in search of your damaged ship’s warp core, you pick up health and weapon boosts, improving your stats and making …

Things I’ve been playing recently (Part 1 – Wii U demos)

Time for a roundup. Seeing as I’ve played a lot but not posted about anything. In several parts too, as there’s so much. Firstly, some demos: Over E3, Nintendo put nine new Wii U game demos on the eShop under the horrifically named “Nindies@Home” banner. So I played them. Runbow Not as good as I was hoping for. It plays a bit like Guacamelee only rubbish. Sort of. Platformer with an annoying colour changing mechanic where platforms disappear when the …

Games I’ve been playing recently

Mutant Mudds (3DS) It’s really hard now. I’ve done all 16 main levels, some of the secret levels, and collected all of the diamonds so far. I’ve done the first three Moon levels, but the last one? Nightmare. It’s so difficult! It doesn’t help that you can only have one power up at a time, and you really need all three to make it through. I’ve swapped around which ones I’ve been using, but it’s too hard with any of …